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#australianimmigration Tag

Brett Slater Solicitors > Posts tagged "#australianimmigration"

Impact of Criminal Records on Visa Applications

Understanding Character Requirements - Visa Applications   Issue date: 18, November 2020. Visa applications can be refused or cancelled if an Applicant (or Visa Holder) fails the Character Test under section 501 of the Migration Act. This can be a worrying dilemma facing Visa Applicants and Visa Holders, who have prior convictions or criminal records. So, how does the Australian Immigration Legislation view this issue? Under section 501 of the Migration Act, the Minister (or a delegate), has the power to either refuse to grant a visa or to cancel a visa if an Applicant does not pass the Character Test. When considering cancellation, the...

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Global Talent Employer-Sponsored Program – Info.Sheet (1).

About the program. 13, October 2020 (recent updates made) The Global Talent Employer-Sponsored program allows employers to sponsor overseas workers for highly skilled positions that cannot be filled: by Australian workersthrough other standard visa programs (Short and Medium-term TSS visa) Sponsors must be able to demonstrate that they cannot fill the position through existing skilled visa programs. Sponsors will then be able to sponsor workers for a TSS visa under the GTES. The GTES is designed to benefit Australia and Australian workers. To bring applicants who are ‘globally mobile, highly skilled and specialised individuals’ into the country to assist Australian businesses to grow and employ more...

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Legislative changes to Subclass 189 and 190 and 491 Visa (Nov. 2019).

Subclass 189 and 190 visa – TEN POINTS for being SINGLE! Australian Immigration Legislation has new criteria for the point test. This relates to the Skilled Independent/Nominated Visa (Subclass 189 and 190 and 491 Visas). Changes are effective from November 2019. Summary of Key Changes 10 points for applicants who do not have a spouse or de facto partner (single). The points also apply if you have a spouse or de facto partner who is an Australian citizen or a Permanent resident; 10 points for applicants with a skilled spouse or de facto partner. They must meet the skill requirements and...

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Australian Visa Application Mistakes – Top 5

  Australian Visa Application Mistakes - what are they? Australian Visa mistakes can be avoided if an applicant can meet the prescribed eligibility criteria for the relevant subclass and submit a valid and correct Visa application. This should be done in accordance with Australia's immigration laws, policies and procedures. Avoiding any Australian visa application mistakes is extremely crucial. Invalid applications cannot be considered and will be returned by the Department of Home Affairs to the applicant (or representative), even if that person would otherwise meet the required criteria. Submission of incorrect Visa applications can waste thousands in preparation costs, extend wait times by...

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Business Innovation and Investment Visa – why using an immigration lawyer makes sense

  Business Innovation and Investment Visa - Use An Expert!   Business Innovation and Investment Visas are complex areas of Australian Immigration Legislation. It is important to get expert advice. Australia’s immigration legislation provides opportunities for eligible business-minded people to visit or reside in Australia. Different streams under the Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) Visa (subclass 188) allow Visa holders to live in Australia for up to four years, with potential extensions and permanent residency available for some Visa types, based on eligibility. Overseas entrepreneurs or investors may be interested in the: Business Innovation stream; Investor stream; Significant Investor stream; Premium Investor stream; or Entrepreneur stream. These types of Visas require...

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