English Language Test for Partner Visas? Australian Immigration News.
Source: www.sbs.com.au, Wednesday 07, October 2020
Government makes major announcements regarding Australian Immigration Program. Australian Immigration News.
- Maintain 160,000 places for 2020-21
- Greater emphasis and ‘sharper focus’ on family stream visas. Level raised from 47,732 to 77,300 places (one-off basis)
- Priority given to onshore applicants and partner visa applicants
- Triple allocation for Global Talent Independent Program
- Introduction of English language requirement for partner visas and permanent resident sponsors
- May mean cuts to places in the Parent Category but adds c4,000 child visas. 50% of program will be family stream.
Skilled stream:
- Priority to Employer-Sponsored, Global Talent, Business Innovation and Investment Program visas within the Skilled Stream. Fastest method to gain PR
- 15,000 places allocated to the Global Talent Independent (‘GTI’) program.
Business Innovation and Investment Program:
- 13,500 places allocated.
- From 01, July 2021, Government to ‘streamline and improve the operation’, and introduce changes.
Visa Application Charge (VAC)
VAC refunds, waivers or visa extensions to be offered by Government to visa holders unable to travel to Australia due to COVID-19. Includes a wavier of the VAC for Working Holiday Makers and Visitors when borders re-open.
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