The best way to avoid a visa refusal is to be fully prepared in the first application, which is why it is recommended that you seek the assistance of an adequately qualified migration agent in Sydney from the outset.
A professional and registered migration agent with legal qualifications can ensure your application is accurate and well documented and can prepare you for each stage of the process.
In the best situation, all requirements are met and the visa is granted, but in some circumstance a visa may be refused.
This can be for a range of reasons including, for example, lack of financial stability/support, incorrect emphasis or false information in the application.
In cases where an application has already been refused, it is important for an accredited specialist immigration lawyer to assess your previous application and the circumstances surrounding the refusal.
At Brett Slater Solicitors we are fortunate enough to have highly experienced Accredited Specialists in Immigration Law.
There are very strict time limits which apply to all reviews, so it’s very important to get legal advice immediately. Not all decisions can be reviewed but many can, particularly if you have an Australian sponsor or Australian relatives or you are already residing here.
The Administrative Appeals Tribunal is one avenue we frequently use to have a visa refusal overturned. We usually do this by presenting new evidence highlighting aspects of your circumstances which may previously have been overlooked. This is a tactical and strategic process which involves a considerable amount of judgment.
We can assist you by reviewing your previous application and where appropriate, providing advice about a possible new application and can represent you throughout a review process.
Being among the top migration lawyers in Sydney, we have succeeded in many cases of visa refusal before and we know what to do to give your appeal the best chance of being accepted.